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Shopping for travel insurance
For most people when shopping for Travel Medical Insurance, the rates are one of the main issues. But for us it’s more about the “Fine Prints”.
We take the guess out of shopping, by finding you the best comprehensive coverage, especially if you have medical a pre-existing conditions. We created a process that makes it easier for our clients to find the right coverage with the right carrier for the best rate!
Be fully covered, no guessing game!
We represent many different companies! Our main goal is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of insurance plans and find you coverage that best meets your needs at an affordable price.
We offer many types of travel coverage, making it easy & seamless to access proper coverage.
Buy Online, Buy Direct or Call Us. All rates are the same!


Emergency Medical Care
Coverage for any emergency health related issues or injuries, up to $10,000,000

Travel Assistance 24/7
Call anytime from anywhere in the world
for immediate assistance or to provide guidance.

No medical exam needed upon application. Health questions over the phone or online.

Top-up Insurance coverage and extensions on any existing plans are available to purchase.

No fee to change travel dates prior to
departure and no extra fee to extension.

Option to enhance coverage for
Pre-existing health conditions

No Additional Fees – Easy Renewals
To change dates prior to leaving Canada.

Direct Payment to Providers
No out-of-pocket Medical Bills
100% Refund Guarantee
If somethings happen that keeps you from travelling, no problems!
Get full refund, prior to effective date.