IMPORTANT - What you should know
good to know
about check-ups :
- Check-ups and pre-planned diagnostic procedures, such as a stress test or colonoscopy, in most cases do not affect the coverage for most travel insurance plans.
- If they were required because of new symptoms, or if they reveal a new medical condition or a change in a pre-existing condition, coverage will probably be affected so read your policy before you travel.
about undiagnosed medical condition:
- If you have undiagnosed chest pains while in your home province, and you have a heart attack while traveling, most insurance companies will consider the chest pains to be an unstable pre-existing heart condition.
- If you have any investigative testing pending or waiting for any tests results from recent procedures, make sure you get your diagnosis before you leave.
Reduction in dosage affects stability :
- Coming off a
medication or having your dosage reduced is considered a change in stability
even if it seems counter-intuitive. We need to know to make sure you get full coverage.
- People
are often surprised to learn that a reduction in dosage or being taken off a
medication altogether is considered a change in stability.
affects stability
- If you've had medical tests and are awaiting
results, that is considered not stable. If you have tests scheduled, it's the
same, you would not be considered stable.
- If your doctor has told you that you will need
testing, but no test have been scheduled yet, that may or may not be considered
stable, depending on the insurance company.
Your doctor, not the insurance company :
- If your doctor says something will or won't
affect your travel insurance, take it with a grain of salt. As you will probably be fine, but you may not qualify for full coverage.
- They are not experts in insurance. Trust your
doctor for medical advice, but leave the interpretations about the insurance
side of things to us. We are specialist!
Track your
medical changes, exact dates:
- Knowing the exact date that a change was made
can make getting on the right plan easier. And even though it may cost more,
getting the right insurance can save you a lot of money in the long run.
- Keep track of your doctor's visits and whether
you have changes to medications and other treatments.

Don’t leave your home Province or Country with undiagnosed symptoms. If you have a medical emergency due
to this condition while travelling, the medical expenses incurred could not be covered.
Talk to our Specialists! Never assume, be sure!
request a call backLearn some medical terms:
Make sure you ask the right questions!
stable medical conditions
A stable pre-existing condition definition is slightly different from different company and their plans, it usually means:
- You have not had any new symptoms, and existing symptoms have not become more frequent or severe, no test results showing deterioration; and/or
- Your physician has not determined that the condition has become worse; and/or
- You have not been hospitalized or referred to a specialty clinic or specialist.
- You are not advised to see you specialist or further test.
Are you covered under standard policy?
pre-exisiting conditions
Applicant could presently be in good health, but an applicant can be deemed to have a pre-existing condition based on past health problem or evidence of treatment for a particular condition.
If at the time of application you are taking medication, for example of High blood pressure, Heart Condition, Lung Condition, Diabetes etc, or had a recent change in your medication, you might be considered
to have a pre-existing condition.
Are you covered under standard policy?
stability period
In order to be covered for any pre-existing medical conditions they're must be no changes to current medical conditions or no new medical conditions, symptoms, or medications during the stability period prior to your planned trip coming in Canada or travelling out-side of Canada or province of residence.
Stability Period will depend on your age and could be between 3, 6 up to 12 months. (90 to 365 days)
Are you covered under standard policy?
TAKE OUR free pre-exisTing test* Make sure your check your Policy to better understand all clauses and exclusions.