Speak with a licensed travel specialist to get all your options!

Expert advice for the best Travel Insurance coverage that best suits your needs with multiple coverage options, competitive rates and much more! You pay the same price either you buy direct, buy online or buy by phone.
Ensuring you get the best comprehensive travel medical insurance coverage at the best rate.
INSTANT QUOTE & BUY ONLINEFor most people when shopping for Travel Medical Insurance, the rates are one of the main issues. But for us it’s more about the
“Fine Prints”.
We take the guess out of shopping, by finding you the best comprehensive coverage, especially if you have medical a pre-existing conditions. We created a process that makes it easier for our clients to find the right coverage with the right carrier for the best rate!
Be fully covered, no guessing game!
Let us compare quotes for you and help you find the Best Coverage!
Prices on our website are the same great deals you will get by calling direct.
All eligible Medical Bills, up to $10,000,000 including 24/7 Assistance.
No out-of-pocket Medical Bills; Direct Payment to providers
No Additional fees to change dates prior to leaving in Canada.
Top-Up Coverage including Couple Rates and Early Bird Discounts available.
We have a team of dedicated Licensed Agents who works on your behalf.
Many prefer getting an Instant Online Quote because they’re curious to see if they can find Better Travel Insurance Rates.
Simple, Easy To Quote Online!
Let's talk it over! To get a clearer picture of how insurance company will treat your pre-existing condition, talk to one of our specialists.
TAKE THE TESTIf a sickness or an accident happens during your stay, the policy will pay all eligible medical bills, up to $10,000,000;
including 24 / 7 assistance.
Prices on our site are the same great deals you will get by calling direct. We compare quotes for you and help you find the Best Comprehensive Coverage!
No out-of-pocket Medical Bills; Direct payment to most providers, with your wallet card.* Includes Air Ambulance
Lock in your quote based on your tentative dates. You can always change before your departure or arrival, without penalty fees.
100% Refund Guarantee
If somethings happen that keeps you from travelling, no problems!
Get full refund, prior to effective date.